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Assessment of your company's touch points

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Free assessment of your current website

Your website (and all of your marketing) should work harder than you do. Running a business can be extremely tough, especially when sales, footfall, bums on seats, or interest is down - and we've all wondered at times, what we can possibly be doing wrong.


Here's where an independent review of your marketing landscape can be an invaluable exercise. With no obligation nor expectation, we will give an honest appraisal of your website, run some industry standard performance tests, and produce a simple overview, along with our professional recommendations.

We won't do a deep dive and get too technical. Chances are you're a) too busy, and b) not in the mood to be bamboozled by jargon. We won't patronise you either. Whilst we know we can help any business increase their opportunities, you're reading this because you want a FREE evaluation. Of course, if you want to arrange a meeting to discuss anything in more detail, that will be an optional step 2 on the road to growing your business.

What we'll aim to cover in the assessment:

Content Quality:

Evaluate navigation, layout, and overall functionality.

Analyse design consistency, branding elements, and appeal.

Assess the relevance, clarity, and engagement level of the content.

Performance, Usability & User Experience (UX):

Check for mobile responsiveness and accessibility.

Run Google PageSpeed Insights to assess loading times and identify performance bottlenecks.

Check for SEO best practices (keywords, meta tags, alt text).

Social Media:

Evaluate profiles for consistency, engagement, and follower growth.

Assess content strategy and posting frequency.

Competitor Analysis:

Identify key competitors and analyse their websites and digital strategies.

Summary of Findings:

Compile the data and present it in an easily digestible format.

Actionable Insights:

Offer specific recommendations tailored to their needs, prioritising high-impact areas.

Recommend a follow-up, if deemed necessary.

Without further ado, complete the form below and we'll get right back to you :-)

In more technical terms...

Assessing a business’s website and marketing setup is essential for optimizing digital presence and enhancing overall performance. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, businesses can leverage successful strategies while addressing areas needing improvement, ultimately leading to better user experiences and higher customer satisfaction. Evaluating factors such as SEO performance and marketing ROI allows for informed decisions on resource allocation, ensuring that efforts align with broader business goals and adapt to market trends.


In addition to improving effectiveness, regular assessments facilitate data-driven decision-making and help businesses stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Understanding current capabilities also aids in planning for scalability and growth, while identifying vulnerabilities mitigates potential risks. Overall, a proactive approach to evaluating a business’s website and marketing strategies fosters continuous improvement and positions the company for sustained success.


Free health check for your business

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